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Vicar's News - 4 September 2021

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

This morning's Gospel contains the stories of the Syrophoenician woman who asks for her child to be healed and the deaf and dumb man who is healed. Both these miracles take place in Gentile territory and emphasise that whilst Jesus' ministry came first to the Jews whose leaders largely rejected him, he accepted that his gospel was for all humanity.


Morning Prayer @ 9am

Why not join us for a short (30 minute) service of Morning Prayer with some traditional and some modern music. The service is in both English and Chinese so we can all participate equally.



Two funerals this coming week - Dr Clary Jones and Marilyn Bartels.


COVID-19 lockdown and vaccinations

It certainly looks like the church will be closed until mid-October. Hopefully everyone will have had their 2 vaccinations by then. There is the possibility that when we can reopen, proof of vaccination may be required of those attending a service, so please ensure that your COVID-19 digital certificate is on your phone's Medicare app, or you carry a hard copy with you. The Premier has suggested that joining all indoor gatherings (pubs, cinemas, theatres) will only be possible for those who show proof of their vaccination. This is likely to also apply to churches too.



The planned confirmation service this month has been postponed due to the lockdown. It may be possible for Bishop Paul to record his weekly sermon here instead.


'Clickbait' - the Netflix series

The new series 'Clickbait' is now available for streaming on Netflix. The final scene in episode 8 was filmed on the front steps of our church and this photo is from that episode. I won't tell you more and spoil your enjoyment of this mystery series.

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