This morning we hear again the two great commandments of Jesus. When a lawyer and expert of the law asked Jesus what the most important commandment is, Jesus responded, "To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind...The second is to love your neighbour as yourself."
All of Christianity comes down to how we love God and how everything we do – our relationships, work, entertainment, education, displays our love for God and one another. No success, status, or possession will matter at the end of our days. How we loved God and loved others will be our victory.

On Thursday I was in court. Not physically, but on-line. Brighton Grammar and St Andrew’s are appealing the decision of Heritage Victoria to refuse a permit for the new (St Andrew’s) Exchange Building to be constructed by BGS on our tennis court site. The building work is unlikely to begin until 2022, given the intervention of COVID-19. Heritage Victoria do not like the appearance of the proposed building viewed from the street, it being next to the Parish Hall (which they do like). I’m not sure they ever like a new building in a heritage precinct, so seeking a review of their refusal seems to be where such applications end up.
The appeal is only part-heard and it would have been completed the following day, Friday, but that was a holiday (did anyone notice?) so the hearing is adjourned until Friday 6 November with another full day of testimony and submissions planned. It is likely that the result will be known by Christmas but not immediately. I will let you know how it all turns out, but our heritage advisors remain confident that an approval will be for forthcoming, possibly with some changes to the proposed building’s appearance and set back.

We now have 12 new people exploring what Christianity means through the Alpha course being run by Michelle, in Chinese, on Friday evenings at 7.30pm on ZOOM.
Please pray for these 12 seekers that the Holy Spirit might move them to become Christians. We also pray for the members of our own Chinese congregation attending the course, and for Michelle as she leads this group which will run until Christmas.

The Op Shop management committee are gearing up for a reopening, subject to confirmation today by the Premier of Victoria regarding the relaxation of restrictions on retail trading. Our shop will be recommencing initially for two days per week - Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 3pm commencing on 4 November. Additional days may be possible in the New Year as new volunteers take their place with those returning after such a long absence. COVID-19 restrictions are in place for the handling of merchandise by our wonderful volunteers.
If you have clean clothing and any curiosities for donation, please bring them along on a Wednesday or Thursday.
The Annual Meeting of the St Andrew’s Opportunity Shop will be held on 7 December 2020 in the Parish Hall at 2.30pm and afternoon tea will be provided. This is a tentative date made with the expectation that socially-distanced groups will be permitted to meet inside by the end of November.
Our Parish Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday 28 November at 11am using the ZOOM app. You can download a copy of the Notice & Agenda here.
We also have a special page on our website for the Annual Meeting information (in case you lose the details) and it can be accessed here or from the front page of our website.
Arrangements are being made for those without a computer – who will be contacted directly once the Parish Electoral Roll is revised. Whether you are on the Parish Electoral Roll or not, a copy of the Annual Report for 2020 will be forwarded by email or post in order to keep you informed.
A formal notice inviting parishioners to be on the roll, and therefore able to vote at the meeting, appears below. I have sent individual emails to those who I have noticed are not on our Electoral Roll, but a formal notice about the revision of the Parish Electoral Roll is below.
The parish electoral roll of St Andrew’s Brighton will be revised by the Parish Electoral Committee on 30 October 2020.
The Parish Governance Act 2013 provides that parish electoral roll is to contain the names of people who are of at least eighteen years of age and who—
1. are baptised;
2. regularly and habitually attend public worship at a worship centre in the parish;
3. have signed an application seeking to be included on the roll and declaring that—
3.1. they are a member of the Anglican Church of Australia or of a church in communion with the Anglican Church of Australia;
3.2. they are not a member of any church which is not in communion with the Anglican Church of Australia; and
3.3. they are not on the parish electoral roll of any other parish or any Authorised Anglican Congregation in the Diocese other than a roll from which they wish their name to be removed.
The parish electoral roll as revised will be displayed prior to the annual meeting on the Parish website (names only).
A person must be on the parish electoral roll to vote at the annual meeting. A person may apply to be on the electoral roll at any time. A person wishing to apply to be on the electoral roll before the next revision may download a form here.
The completed form must be returned to the Parish Office (by posting to, or leaving the form at, the Parish Office, 228 New Street, Brighton 3186 before midday on 26 October 2020 or by email.
Dated: 19 October 2020
Fr Ian Morrison
This week at St Andrew’s:
10am - : Mattins : (in English) [join here]
11am – Bi-lingual service [join here]
Anytime – Video Eucharist [watch]
1.30pm – English Conversation Class [join here]
10am – Morning Prayer (in Chinese) [join here]
10.30am – Chat with the Vicar and friends [join here]
10am – Bible study (in English) ‘The ‘I AM’ statements in St John’s Gospel’ [join here]
7.30pm – Alpha Course (in Chinese) [join here]
I’m sure you are all pleased that hairdressers opened on Monday. I have noticed a few modified appearances since then. I haven’t joined in the queues as yet.
Despite appeals to the State Government to allow churches to be treated the same as cafés (this is what we are reduced to) in terms of the relaxation of restrictions on opening, it is likely that the government will stick with its original timetable that it proposed some weeks ago – that churches can reopen with restrictions from 23 November.
This is what we are gearing up to do. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

主任牧师寄语 25/10/2020

所有的基督教义都归结为我们如何爱神以及我们如何做每一件事——我们的人际关系、工作、娱乐、教育,以及我们对上帝的爱 和彼此之间的爱。在我们生命的最后,成功、地位或财产都不重要。我们如何爱神和爱别人将成为我们的胜利。

上星期四我去出庭了。当然不是本人亲自到场,而是在线上的。Brighton Grammar 和 St Andrew’正在对维多利亚文物局的一项决定提出上诉,该决定拒绝Brighton Grammar在我们的网球场上建造新的(St Andrew’的)办公楼,考虑到2019冠状病毒感染的影响,可能要到2022年才会动工。


St Andrew’s Brighton教会选举委员会将于2020年10月30日修订教区选举名册
1. 接受洗礼;
2. 定期及习惯在教会内的崇拜中心进行公众崇拜;
3. 已经签署了一份申请,希望被列入名单,并明确——
Parish Office, 228 New Street, Brighton 3186
Fr Ian Morrison
10am: 晨祷 (英文)[点击进入]
上午10:30 -与牧师和朋友聊天[点击进入]
上午10点-圣经学习(英文) 关于约翰福音经文中“我是”( 点击进入)
晚上7:30 -中文圣经研习[点击进入]
尽管呼吁州政府允许教堂一样对待咖啡馆(这是我们希望避免的) 的放松限制,很可能,政府会坚持其最初的时间表,在几个星期前所提出的 教会可以从11月23日开始有条件的重新开放。
