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Vicar's News - 9 May 2021

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

Mother's Day

Although not a church festival, we wish a Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers and best wishes to their families if they are celebrating today. Thank you too to everyone who assisted last week with the service for the Firbank Old Grammarians on Good Shepherd Sunday.

Our Gospel reading shows Jesus teaching his disciples shortly before his ascension into heaven. Returning to his Father, Christ's earthly work continues through his disciples.

In the coming week, Michelle and I will be attending a clergy conference day in Mooroolbark.


Organ Restoration Appeal

A corporate thank you to all those who have contributed to the appeal so far, giving us nearly $100,000 towards our goal of $347,000. A separate and specific thank you will be sent out shortly. Our fundraising committee continues to pursue donations to reach our goal so that the restoration work can commence as soon as possible.



This week we farewelled:

Iris Trivett and Peter Demaine.

May they rest in peace and rise in glory.


TMA - The Melbourne Anglican

The May edition of TMA is now available in the narthex or you can download a copy here.


Choral Evensong

This evening in the church at 6pm.


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