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Vicar's News - 9 January 2022

The Baptism of Jesus

Joachim Patinir, The Baptism of Christ, 1515

This weekend we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan by John the Baptist. Jesus’s baptism is an act of humility. In his baptism, he consents to be counted as if he were a sinner, along with everyone else.



Xeverie Swee, who is to be our new Curate commencing in February, will be with us at Sat@6 this weekend. Xev moves on-site this week, and will be married to Alex on 22 January at St Peter's Eastern Hill.

Tim Mallis has joined us this month as organist and pianist while Calvin in on holidays.


Vale - Farewell

Bryan Linacre, for many years a churchwarden and Parish Council member

Shirley Pascoe, who attended St Andrew's for some years.

Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord,

and may light perpetual shine upon them.



resumes this weekend.

Provided everyone is vaccinated, we will be able to have refreshments afterwards.


Website changes

Our website is being updated for the New Year and the 'home page' is already in place.


Christmas services

Truly uplighting liturgy and music was experienced at all of our Christmas services. Many thanks to all those who made this possible, especially our Director of Music, Dr Calvin Bowman and all the members of St Andrew's Choir.


Kids' Church

We are hoping to start a monthly Kids' Church service on the first Sunday of each month at 11.30am, commencing in March if we are able to encourage some children and parents along.




Australia Day service

This year our services commemorating Australia Day will be held on Sunday 23 January at 8 & 10am.




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