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Vicar's News - 7 November 2021

(available Sunday morning)

All Saints 2021

All Saints' Day is the day after All Hallows' Eve (Hallowe'en), and we celebrate this on 1 November each year. It is an opportunity for Christians to remember all saints and martyrs, known and unknown, throughout Christian history. We also remember those saints among us as Fr Kibaki AJ, whose video sermon is contained in our Holy Eucharist service this morning, reminds us.

We also celebrate our hope for reunion on All Saints Day. All who die in Christ are alive in him, and we will be resurrected together. So we aren’t just pining for the past, we are looking forward to a grand reunion.

All the baptised are a part of the People of God—and each week we remind ourselves that we are also part of the communion of saints - all Christians past, present and future, who have died as Christians. This helps us know who we are, and shows us that we belong.

We have a whole history that provides us with wisdom, passed on through God’s working though and in his people. It also points us to our future reunion, giving us hope that our longing for eternal fellowship will be satisfied someday.


Remembrance Sunday ..... we are back in church

Next Sunday we return to our weekly services, beginning at 8am on Sunday, then 10am Sunday, 10.30am Wednesday and Sat@6.

Please come earlier to enable the processing of QR and vaccination certifications as this will be the first time our sides people have had to adjust to the new requirements.

Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and medals may be worn.


Half-price Opening Sale

Wednesday 10 November

Open 10am-3pm

Wednesdays and Thursdays

Donations of good quality children's toys welcome


Well Street carpark

Today is the final day to have your say about that the Council do with the land in Well Street behind the Dendy shopping centre.

As you may be aware, our carpark is fyull most days due to the lack of parking elsewhere for those using Church Street, whose local traders make the following comments:

  1. 7 Well Street was purchased 40 years ago for a car park - it's currently a vacant block of land behind the Dendy.

  2. Pre-Covid, Council recognised a severe shortage of Car Parking in the precinct. Even suggesting a Multi-level behind Woolworths which will never happen.

  3. In November of last year a new Councillor at a Council meeting announced that Council needs to start 'removing' existing Car parks from shopping centres !!

  4. If Council gets a response asking for more Open Space at No. 7 Well Street, then it's likely the current Car park at Number 5 Well Street will be removed as well.

  5. There's a highly organised group of local residents who are opposing the Car Park.

  6. Everyday more Car Spots are lost due to the over-development in Well Street.

If the extinguishment of car spaces continues rather than the expansion of more car parking, then there will be little we can do to preserve and of our own spaces for our own use except for gating in our carpark, an expense we cannot afford at this time but which we may have to do in the future.


Prayer points

  • Bruce William Thompson who died last week and whose funeral was held on Friday.

  • Lucy and Campbell who are being married next Saturday.

  • Sunita and Morris who were baptised on Friday.

  • Charles who is to be baptised next Sunday afternoon.

  • Stephen Bird, whose military funeral will take place on Tuesday next.



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