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Vicar's News - 6 September 2020

In this morning’s New Testament reading, St Paul exhorts us, as Christians, not to be judgmental of one another, but to love.

Jesus was very clear: ‘Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven’ [Luke 6.37]. Ironically it is often in a theological setting that judgements are make about who is right and who is wrong when it comes to biblical interpretation, particularly about St Paul’s own writings. More on St Paul’s instructions to the Romans in the video and 11am sermons.


We wait in anticipation that some announcement will be made by the Premier of Victoria concerning the way out of Stage 4 Coronavirus restriction. In the meantime the Parish Council met this week to consider a number of important plans for the future.

The Mission Action Plan 2020-24 which I presented to Parish Council has been adopted. This is based on an assessment of our strengths and abilities, reflects the results of the 2019 parish survey, and the existing commitments to our schools and Chinese ministry. [Download]

Parish Council also agreed on the pattern of services that I proposed St Andrew’s offers once the COVID restrictions are fully removed. The services will initially remain largely as they were, except our first service on a Sunday will be earlier to allow clergy to socialise with that congregation afterwards. Also, the use of the Pioneer Chapel and Lady Chapel will vary on a seasonal basis to ensure the safety and comfort of parishioners.

Post-COVID services


8am Sung Eucharist

10am Choral Eucharist

11.30am Chinese service (first and third Sundays)

5pm Choral Evensong (second Sunday)


5pm Christian Meditation


10.30am Said Eucharist


7.30am Said Eucharist


6pm Contemporary Eucharist

This is a large number of regular services for a congregation of our size, averaging seven services per week. There are a variety of conditions precedent to retaining some of them, the principal one being our need to fund a replacement for Christine, who left in January.

In planning for a reopening, we are very much in the hands of the State Government, and the Diocese. It is the Parish Council’s hope that once we care permitted have 20 people at a service, we will have the weekend services (Sat@6, 8 & 10am Sunday) and the 10.30am on Wednesday. The Sunday bi-lingual service at 11am will remain on the Zoom platform at that stage, and our weekly video Eucharist service will still appear on YouTube in the expectation that some parishioners may continue their social isolation until a vaccine for Coronavirus is available.

To attend church, on-line pre-registration will again be necessary to comply with the government imposed limit on the number of people who can be present (this may also apply at Christmas). All the services will be in the nave church, as it has been set up for the requisite social distancing, directional signage and commercial cleaning between each service - which has been arranged in anticipation. I will update you once Victoria’s COVID restriction reduction becomes clearer.

In addition to these matters, the Parish Council has also considered how to build community amongst our parishioners through the offering of a more convivial space of fellowship after each service. Sat@6 & Wednesdays do this well, but the use of the narthex as configured is not working at 10am. Most people leave following the service rather than stay for refreshments and interaction. Accordingly, and noting hopefully that its continued use is an interim measure until the new facilities are available, some changes to the seating availability in the narthex will be undertaken when we finally get back to being able to offer refreshments again.


StAndrews@home this week:

Sunday (today)

10am - : Mattins : (in English) [join here]

11am – Bi-lingual service [join here]

anytime – Video Eucharist [watch]


10am – Morning Prayer (in Chinese) [join here]

10.30am – Chat with the Vicar and friends [join here]


10am – Bible study (in English) ‘The signs in St John’s Gospel’ [join here]


7.30pm – Chinese bible study [join here]

Next week we celebrate:

an ecumenical celebration at which Christians around the world renew their relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment. We will consider the integral relationship between rest for the Earth and ecological, economic, social, and political ways of living.

This year’s theme: “Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope.” Amid the crises that have shaken our world, we are awakened to the urgent need to heal our relationships with creation and each other. The need for just and sustainable systems has been revealed by the far-reaching effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Trusting that you enjoy some spring weather this week.

主任牧师寄语 30/08/2020






最初的仪式将基本保持原样,除了我们周日的第一次仪式将会更早,以便神职人员可以在之后与会众进行交流。此外,先锋礼拜堂Pioneer Chapel和圣母礼拜堂Lady Chapel的使用将根据季节而有所不同,以确保教会会众的安全和舒适。





上午11:30 -中文崇拜 (第一及第三个星期日)

下午5:00 -合唱晚颂(第二个星期日)






7.30pm 圣餐


下午6点 圣餐








10am: 晨祷 (英文)[点击进入]

11am: 双语崇拜[点击进入]



上午10点-晨祷(中文)[ 点击进入]

上午10:30 -与牧师和朋友聊天[点击进入]


上午10点-圣经学习(英文)“圣约翰福音中的神迹奇事”( 点击进入)


晚上7:30 -中文圣经学习 [点击进入]



今年的主题是“地球禧年:新节奏、新希望”。“在震撼世界的危机中,我们清醒地认识到,我们迫切需要修复我们与造物主以及彼此之间的关系。 全球COVID-19大流行的深远影响显示了公正和可持续系统的必要性。




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