Epiphany 5

Cosimo Rosselli, The Sermon on the Mount and the Healing of the Leper (1481-82), fresco, Sistine Chapel
A warm welcome to new parishioners Margaret and Ken, Robyn and Ian, Heidi and Ruth, Ron, Maya and Edie, who have joined us as parishioners, and to our new choir parents and choristers. We will be commissioning the new choristers at the 10am service. Our service will be followed by a BBQ sponsored by the St Andrew's Choir Parents Association.
Music on Sunday
Prelude: ‘Largo’ from Trio Sonata in C major, BWV 529
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Hymns: Processional Morning has broken
Gradual God, whose almighty word
Thanksgiving When morning gilds the skies
Post Communion Love divine, all loves excelling
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 112; sung TiS 69
Anthem: I give to you a new commandment – Peter Nardone (b.1965)
Motet: Teach me, O Lord – Thomas Attwood (1765-1838)
Postlude: Praeludium in Eb, BWV 552/1 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

This morning at 11.30am we have our first Kids' Church service for the year. Our program features a blessing of school backpacks and learning about 'fishing with Jesus'.
Sausages await us afterwards (or even before if you are early).
Wednesday - FIRBANK

Firbank Grammar's Senior School students came to St Andrew's on the first day of term for their Annual Commencement Service. Great to see the church full of students again after the holidays.

Friday - BGS induction of new chaplain

The next Weekend Services Roster period is from Saturday 11 March until Sunday 25 June 2023. As this includes Easter, it would be most helpful if preference could be indicated for these services by Monday 13 February, especially the Maundy Thursday (7pm) and Good Friday Services - Veneration of the Cross (2pm) and Tenebrae (7pm).
We welcome new participants in any of the four roster categories: Welcomer/ Sides-person and Reader (all services); Server and Hospitality (10am Sunday). Please contact the Parish Office office@standrewsbrighton.org.au
