Palmezzano, Presentation of Christ in the Temple, 16th century
After Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph presented him in the Temple at Jerusalem. There, the baby was recognized as the Messiah by an old man, Simeon, of whom it was prophesied that he would not die before seeing the Savior. Here, Jesus raises his hand in blessing, while Simeon bows his head. The focus is the Christ Child eager to acknowledge an old man’s devotion.
This weekend's services
Sat@6 - Contemporary Eucharist
Sunday 9.30am - Holy Eucharist
Sunday's Music
Prelude: Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen – Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Hymns: Processional All creatures of our God and King
Gradual A great and mighty wonder
Thanksgiving Now thank we all our God
Post Communion Unto us is born a son
Setting: St Andrew’s Mass – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)
Psalm: 148: 1-6,14;
Anthem: Good King Wenceslas – Melody from Piae Cantiones (1582),
arr. Bob Chilcott (b.1955)
Motet: A New Year carol – Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)
Postlude: Toccata en ré majeur – Marcel Lanquetuit (1894-1985)
Christmas Eve 2023
An enriching weekend celebrating the birth of Christ. Our Children's Service was popular and an engaging retelling of the birth narrative was presented, led by Mother Xeverie. Thank you to all who assisted the day.
Our service of carols and Lessons was very well attended and sensationally performed by our choir (thanks to the choristers, our alumni choir members, Calvin and Tim).
You can listen to two of the carols by clicking here:
Christmas Day 2023
Two further magnificent services at 8am and 10am on Christmas , well attended and much appreciated by all.
January services
Sundays 9.30am Choral Eucharist - Main church
7, 14, 21 and 28 January
Wednesdays 10.30am Holy Communion - Lady Chapel
Healing Service - 3 January
Saturdays 6pm Sat@6 - Pioneer Chapel
a Contemporary Eucharist
Parish Office
The office will be closed Monday 1 January, then open limited hours.
Please call ahead if visiting: 03 9553 8934.
Email and phone calls continue to be answered.

Happy New Year
