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Vicar's News - 30 June 2024

Ss Peter and Paul

Saints Peter and Paul are celebrated together. Two apostles, two very different men, both fundamental to the history of the Church. It is difficult to think of two men more different from each other in history and in vocation than were St Peter and St Paul. Yet, not only are they both remembered as two bulwarks of faith, and symbols of the Church itself, but they even share the same feast day. Tradition has it that on 29 June 67 A.D. St Peter and St Paul were martyred in Rome during the persecutions against Christians ordered by the emperor Nero. Hear how different men share the same feast day in this weekend's sermon.


Organ fundraising

If you are considering last minute tax deductible gifts for this financial year, please remember the appeal for funds for the organ restoration and donate before the end of Sunday. We need another $200,000 to complete the reworking of ll the organ pipes and their mechanical operation. All donations to the St Andrew's Music Foundation Ltd for the organ restoration are tax deductible.


Music for Sunday

Prelude: O Mensch, bewein dein sünde groß BWV 622 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Hymns: Processional How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

Gradual Christ is made the sure foundation

Thanksgiving All people that on earth do dwell

Post Communion Your hand, O God, has guided

Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm: 87 NPCW

Anthem: Hear my prayer – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

Motet: Ave verum – Adolphe Adam (1803-1856)

Postlude: Fugue in D major – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)


Healing Service - Wednesday at 10.30am


Coffee and Chat

On Wednesday week (10 July) we have our Coffee + Chat morning - 12noon to 1pm in the Pioneer Chapel. Why not bring a freind to meet some new people in an informal and friendly atmosphere - in the Pioneer Chapel.




Prayer Hour

prior to Sat@6


Talk on Ageing





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