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Vicar's News - 3 September 2023

from the Martyrs of New Guinea window, St Peter's Eastern Hill

This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Martyrs of New Guinea - whose lives were lost so close to us in time and place. New Guinea, one of the world's largest islands, has a difficult terrain that discourages travel between districts, Consequently, it is home to many isolated tribes, with many different cultures and at least 500 languages. Christian missionaries began work there in the 1860's, but proceeded slowly.

When World War II threatened Papua and New Guinea, it was obvious that missionaries of European origin were in danger. There was talk of leaving. Bishop Philip Strong wrote to his clergy: "We must endeavour to carry on our work. God expects this of us. The church at home, which sent us out, will surely expect it of us. The universal church expects it of us. The people whom we serve expect it of us. We could never hold up our faces again if, for our own safety, we all forsook Him and fled, when the shadows of the Passion began to gather around Him in His spiritual and mystical body, the Church in Papua."

They stayed.

Almost immediately there were arrests. Eight clergymen and two laymen were executed "as an example" on September 2, 1942. In the next few years, many Papuan Christians of all Churches risked their own lives to care for the wounded.






Prelude: ‘Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir’ (Psalm 130) BWV 687 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Hymns: Processional All hail the power of Jesus’ name TiS 224 (i) v1,2,3,5

Gradual Let our choirs new anthems raise NEH 219 (tTiS 391)

Thanksgiving Now we come, our heavenly Father TiS 462 v 1,2,4

Post Communion Ye watchers and ye holy ones NEH 478 v1,3,4

Setting: St Andrew’s Mass – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)

Psalm: 130; TiS 81

Anthem: The people that walked in darkness from MessiahG.F. Handel (1685-1759)

Motet: A Song of Trust – Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

Postlude: ‘Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir’ (Psalm 130) BWV 686 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)


Vale Peter Fleming

7th October 1937 – 3rd August 2023

Peter was a very long-standing member of St Andrew’s congregation. Older members of the congregation will remember Peter and in the latter part of his life when he was living at Rylands of Brighton in Outer Crescent, he attended Sat@6.

Peter lived in Brighton for the whole of his life. He attended Brighton Grammar and was an OB 1955. He had a very active membership of the church tennis club and participated in tennis competitions and was a regular when the club members attended competitions in country towns. In particular Daylesford. His tennis partners included Sue Brown, Colin Campbell, Alice Tannenberg and many others too numerous to mention them all.

He actively participated in the activities of the Young Peoples Fellowship that in the 1950’s and 1960’s was very active with a large membership. He was a great attendee at Balls and Dinner Dances for many years. His bubbly personality made him great company. He regularly attended the annual camps of the group at Wilsons Prom.

His career in business ended up with him being secretary to the board of the now defunct Ball & Welch department store.

A memorial service celebrating the life of Peter Fleming was held at St Andrews on Friday 25th. August at 10-30am. In the Lady Chapel.

R.I.P. Peter.

(courtesy Brian Comport)


Vale Frances Nicholls OAM OBE

The funeral for Frances was conducted at St Andrew's yesterday. Fr Roger Featherston was the celebrant and all of Frances's family were present, including her brother from NSW, aged 100. Frances herself was 102. A long history of community service was evident not only with her civic awards, but a list of the service organisations filled a whole page of the order of service.

May she rest in peace, and rise in glory.


Autumn Moon Festival

All welcome

Thursday 14 September 10.30am-2.00pm

Pioneer Chapel

RSVP / sign-up here is not essential, but will assist with planning Inquiries to Rev'd Xeverie email or 0413 111 277



If you hadn't heard, the Marine Hotel in New Street near Cabrini, has closed. Yet another entertainment venue and restaurant gone. The future of the site is reportedly unknown. It is here that the choir families came together after Choral Evensong for fellowship on regular occasions. Another case of 'watch this space'.


Re-opening soon

The Schoolhouse Café business has been sold, effective Friday 1 September. The new operators may take 2-3 months re-working the facilities before re-opening, but it is coming.


New Archbishop of Brisbane

Congratulations to Bishop Jeremy Greaves who has been elected as the next Archbishop of Brisbane. You can read more about Bishop Jeremy here.





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