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Vicar's News - 3 October 2021

(available on Sunday morning)

Saturday morning, Sandringham Beach

Congratulations Michelle

In January 2022, our Assistant Curate, The Reverend Michelle Wang, will be taking up the position as Priest-in-Charge of the parish of St David's Moorabbin. Congratulations to Michelle who will be leaving us just after Christmas. A new Mandarin-speaking Assistant Curate will be joining us at the end of January.


Peter Cross Lecture

Each (non-COVID lockdown) year the Brighton Covenant Churches organises a lecture in memory of the late Fr Peter Cross. This year's lecture will be on 28 October by Zoom. More information to follow.



Bishop Paul Barker has asked parishes to remind their parishioners of the need to be fully vaccinated as soon as possible because of the increasing incidence of the Coronavirus which will be further exacerbated once this city and the country open up to interstate and international travellers. At this stage there are still discussions on-going with the State Government over the ramification of their 'roadmap' for the reopening of churches.


Join us on Sunday morning for a Zoom service here



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