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Vicar's News - 28 March 2020

Updated: Apr 1, 2020


Dear parishioners and friends of St Andrew’s,

This week I invite you to join me at your convenience in Morning Prayer (my first attempt at a video, not perhaps my best but it is a start).

Click here for the Order of Service (you can print this at home and/or just follow along with the video)

Our Chinese congregation are worshiping using WeChat and in the coming week I will be inviting you all to join me in a similar prayer group. Watch your emails for details.

On Friday we had our first funeral under the new restrictions which limit the mourners to 10 people. The service was video-streamed to the many people who were literally prevented from attending.

This coming week a group of parishioners will be ringing around to see how you are coping in this new world order of self-isolation. Many of my usual meetings have morphed into video chats so keeping up with technology has been important.

We plan to have services on-line for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day and we are making preparations now in case our world is in lockdown at that time. It is beginning to feel that we are trapped in a science fiction movie.

On Friday we also celebrated three baptisms, not in the church, but on Brighton Beach, so as to allow for social distancing. Michelle did the honours on a bright sunny day and I manned the camera.

A reminder that if you feel in need of a face mask or require assistance with grocery items, please let me know (0421 321 321).

We are all extremely concerned about the parish’s financial position through this difficult period and I would encourage you to continue your pledge contributions and funds can be contributed by credit card here and by direct deposit to St Andrew’s bsb: 013355 a/c 007085668.

I hope you are all well and we will be in touch personally soon.

Fr Ian


Thank you to these families who have provided us with face masks for our most vulnerable parishioners.

Also donated, a symbol of ‘Hope’ (for a close up of the painting see below) painted for us by Nicole and Victoria. The vase of hope is glowing, and new life, in the form of a tiny plant, is coming out the top. Thank you for this comforting symbol that hope brings us new life.


Spiritual Communion

The Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell from The Church of England in Essex and Each London introduces Spiritual Communion, a way of receiving Communion when you can't get to Church and Communion.




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