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Vicar's News - 27 March 2022

Laetare Sunday

The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Annunciation by Leonards Di Vinci

The feast of the Annunciation, which this year we celebrate with Refreshment Sunday (Laetare or Rose Sunday), was first celebrated in the fourth or fifth century. Its central focus is the Incarnation: God has become one of us. From all eternity God had decided that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity should become human. Now, as Luke 1:26-38 tells us, the decision is being realized. The God-Man embraces all humanity, indeed all creation, to bring it to God in one great act of love. Because human beings have rejected God, Jesus will accept a life of suffering and an agonizing death: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).

Mary has an important role to play in God’s plan. She is to be the mother of Jesus, an integral part of the Incarnation and thus the redemption of the world by God's grace. She shows how an ordinary human being can reflect God in the ordinary circumstances of life. She exemplifies what the Church and every member of the Church is meant to become. She manifests what the Incarnation is meant to accomplish for all of us.


Morning Prayer in Chinese

Our Thursday morning service in Chinese is going well and the congregation is enjoying the Lady Chapel's audio visual facilities. Here is this week's members enjoying refreshments at Roger & Alina Pym's home following the service.


Incincted hosts

Another batch of wafers being intincated with wine for consecration and use this weekend. I use a chop stick but Xev has her own device.


Xeverie on Retreat

Xev is on retreat this weekend in Queenscliff from where she reports that she is gaining lots of spiritual gems. Looks like an ideal setting too.


A Dalek in Brighton ?

I discovered this package at my front door this morning - a dalek from Dr Who? No, it transpires to be a chair for my study, though it may need some assembly. Just as well I have a doctorate from IKEA in putting together Billy bookcases.





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