Brighton Beach, beach boxes
Australia Day 2025
On Australia Day we celebrate all the things we love about Australia: land, sense of fair go, lifestyle, democracy, the freedoms we enjoy but particularly our people. Australia Day is about acknowledging and celebrating the contribution that every Australian makes to our contemporary and dynamic nation.
From our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – whose ancestors were here more than 65,000 years ago – to those who have lived here for generations, to those who have come from all corners of the globe to call our country home, including the Chinese members of our congregation. Close to one third of Australia’s population was born overseas, and it is important that we educate ourselves and get to know about Australia’s history and culture. It is with knowledge that we can understand, include and prevent future wrongdoings.
Australia Day 2025 is a time to recognise the resilience of all Australians and to focus on what we can achieve when we move forward as a community and a unified nation.
It is a day to respect the deep connection to Country that indigenous people still feel to this day and to reflect on how we are all defined by the land on which we live, work and play, from the freshwater to the saltwater, the rainforest to the desert. And it is a day to celebrate being part of a proud, ancient, multicultural nation that values the contribution of each and every citizen, old and new.
We mark Australia Day in church on Sunday. This year we begin with a once in a lifetime blessing of the brand new Vicars' Cloister and Eastern Courtyard, and finish with a sausage sizzle and Aussie fare such as pies, pavlova and lamingtons.
In between we celebrate a Eucharistic liturgy drawn from diverse denominations, composers and authors, in turn symbolising the multi-cultural heritage of the Australian peoples including our Indigenous - for we are one and free.
Our service commences at 9.30am in the Vicars' Cloister on the eastern side of the church.
Next Sunday our services resume their normal times - 8am and 10am.
Australia Day Music
Cantor Eucharist
Mr Christopher Cook – organist
Ms Anushka Tiwari (alto)
Hymns: Post-processional The National Anthem
Gradual A Blessing Hymn for Australia by Michael Herry ofm
Offertory Now thank we all our God by Martin Rinkhart (1636) & Norman Habel (2004)
Post-communion God bless Australia by Jack O'Hagan (1961)
Setting Christ Church Cathedral Newcastle Mass by Philip Matthias (b.1954)
Psalm 19 TiS 7
Motet Come my way, my truth, my life by George Herbert (1593-1632)
Music for reflection We are accepting by Dr Calvin Bowman
Music for participation We are Australian by Bruce Woodley & Dobe Newton (1987), sung with the Central Australian Aboriginal Women's Choir
Postlude Fugue sur le thème du Carillion des Heires de la Cathédrale de Soissons Opus 12
Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986
Our choir returns next Sunday - 2 February at the 10am service.
The Duigan Centre
The new building is nearing completion, ready for Brighton Grammar Students returning from the Christmas break on Tuesday. There has been lots of action on site, including a tour by Parish Council members on Thursday. Some photos are below. Click to enlarge.
Kids' Church next Sunday at 11.30am
bring your school back pack or suitcase
There will be a sausage sizzle at 11.15am

Lunar New Year celebration

New Bible Study commences 16 February @ 11.30am

Choral Evensong - 9 February @ 6pm

Support Jewish Australians
With so much visceral hate being shown to Jewish citizens in Australia, our planned evening at the Caulfield Shule is even more important. Please register to attend if you have not already done so.

