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Vicar's News - 25 March 2023

The Annunciation of our Lord

Gabriel’s announcement to Mary is a promise to us all. And Mary’s prophetic response teaches us how to claim and believe what is true even before we can see it with our own eyes. This is a reminder to us in the wilderness of Lent—and the wilderness of the pandemic and violence;ence in this world—that God is at work behind the scenes, sowing seeds of hope that will flower in the fullness of time.

This weekend, in our confusion and distress about the state of our world, the Annunciation reminded us that we belong to a bigger story than the one we see on the news. It is a long, slow, story called Redemption. Jesus has already written the ending. We may not even know what day of the week it is, but we can entrust ourselves to the One who holds all of history in his hand.

Unfortunately Bishop Paul is waylaid with COVID so he cannot join us at this weekend's services. Our confirmation service is transferred to the Choral Evensong on 14 May.


Music on Sunday

Prelude: Melodia in B-flat – Max Reger (1873-1916)

Hymns: Processional Come down, O love divine

Gradual For Mary, Mother of the Lord

Thanksgiving For the beauty of the earth

Post Communion Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord

Setting: Christ Church Mass– Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm: 40: 6-9; Mallis

Anthem: Ave Maria– Franz Reimann (1855-1926)

Motet: The angel Gabriel from heaven came

– Trad. Basque melody, arr. Charles Edgar Pettman

Postlude: Toccata sur Ave Maris Stella – Flor Peeters (1903-1986)



Our much-loved friend Jan Warneke has died.

Her funeral will be in the church on Monday 3 April at 11.30am.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory.







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