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Vicar's News - 25 February 2024

Lent 2

When Jesus calls himself the "Son of Man," he's not just emphasising his human nature. He is referring to the prophecy of Daniel who refers to the Son of Man as having "dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed".

The people Jesus lists are very specific. The chief priests are high ranking priests who are qualified to enter the Holy of Holies once a year. Although the Levitical law does not allow for more than one high priest at a time, the turmoil during the four hundred years of silence wreaked havoc with the priest system, and these "chief priests" are probably priests with significant political power. Scribes are scholars of the Mosaic Law. It was the scribes who added the Mishnah—the supplemental oral law that Jesus condemns the Pharisees for following. Elders are significant players in the Jewish legal system. These three—the chief priests, scribes, and elders—make up the Sanhedrin, the legal and political branch of Judaism. Although God had ordained the creation of the Sanhedrin, this iteration is not so honourable. It is they who will turn Jesus over to the Romans to be crucified.



On Sunday morning we welcome Bishop Kate Prowd to St Andrew's. Bishop Kate heads the Monomeeth Episcopate in the Melbourne Diocese and is responsible for theological education, theology students, ordinations and curates. Please make the bishop welcome and ensure she understands the importance of our retaining Mother Xeverie as our Chinese-speaking assistant priest.

We also welcome our new Assistant Director of Music, Dr Mario Dobernig, who commenced with us this week. Mario has an very extensive profile which can be viewed here.



Following the 10am service on Sunday we farewell Philippa and John McKenna, long-time parishioners, who are moving to Canberra. Please join us in the narthex for refreshments after the service.


Music for Sunday


Prelude:           Elegy – John Ireland (1879-1962) (arr. Alec Rowley)

Hymns:             Processional    Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim

Gradual                     O love how deep, how broad, how high

Thanksgiving    Glorious things of you are spoken

Post Communion The God of Abraham praise

Setting:            Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm:              22:23-31 (NPCW)

Anthem:          A Prayer of St Richard of Chichester – L.J. White (1910-1970)

Motet:              O nata lux – Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)

Postlude:         Fugue in Eb minor – Jacques Ibert (1890-1962)


Video donor sought

As you know, each week we record our 10am service to YouTube for viewing by those who cannot attend, either live or whenever suits them. We have cameras on the pillars on either side of the transept and they give a variety of views but at an angle. This means we cannot get all of the choir in a camera's view at any one time or can we see the central aisle. This limits our use of video for other services. We do not have a central camera to give us the magnificent view looking down the aisle to the sanctuary to provide the striking view such as the one below taken by a hand-held camera.

I am hoping that a generous benefactor will donate $4,800 (tax deductible) to complete the missing link in our video capacity, allowing us to install a wide-angle zoom lens on the centre of the mezzanine balcony. This will hugely improve the quality of our videos product by ensuring that virtually all of the church can be captured from the centre back mezzanine.

Please let me know if you are able to assist, even with a part donation - 0421 321 321.



I am delighted to advise that I have appointed Cathy Zhang to Parish Council as our Treasurer for 2023-24. She has been ably briefed by Philippa McKenna in the nuances of parish accounting and our interface with our bookkeepers.


Peter Toms 'bust'

Long serving Brighton Grammar identity Peter Toms was recognised with the unveiling of a bust in the BGS Senior School courtyard. The school captain, David Noble's grandson, spoke at the unveiling. Peter is shown with sculptor William Eicholt. Thanks to Tim Renouf for these photos, which are use with permission of the subjects.


Sunsets during bushfire season

We pray or those affected by bushfires in Australia at this time. They have resulted in some magnificent sunsets to remind us of the plight of others. (Photos: Jason Milich)






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