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Vicar's News - 24 March 2024

Pietro Di Giovanni D’Ambrogio, Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, 1435-40

Palm Sunday

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the 10am service will commence with the liturgy of the palms (palm crosses provided) at the wayside cross next to 230B at the rear of the church, and we will process into to the church with our palm crosses.


Bilingual Services

At our 10am Sunday services there is now a similtaneous translation of the service into Chinese, utilising the headsets that was purchased prior to the COVID lockdowns. This assists those who struggle with the language barrier. This equipment help us to reach out to many more who were wanting to attend our 10am service but were discouraged due to the inability to understand English fully. This barrier is now demolished and a new outreach platform established.


Music on Sunday


Processional chant (outside): Sing praises, all you peoples

Hymns: Processional    All glory, laud and honour

Gradual                       Lift high the cross

Thanksgiving    Come thou fount of every blessing (Nettleton, PD)

Post Communion Ride on, ride on in majesty

Setting:            Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm:              118: 1-2, 19-29 Elvey in D(t98) (RSCM)

Anthem:           Lift up your heads, O ye Gates – William Mathias (1934-1992)

Motet:              Ingrediente Domino – George Malcolm (1917-1998)

Postlude:        Valet will ich dir geben BWV 735 – J.S. Bach (1685-1750)


Last Sunday in Lent

Mthr Xeverie celebrated at the 10am service last Sunday, our final Sunday in the liturgical season of Lent.

Xeverie stopping traffic Me pulling faces at Floripes' 'Here we come'



Parish Support

I am delighted to advise that our Churchwardens have agreed in principle to the lease-back to Brighton Grammar of those parts of the new building which the Parish would otherwise have occupied. We could ill-afford to take up these spaces, and are grateful that we have been able to monetarise these areas to support the Parish into the future. Legal documentation will be finalised during this year. The new arrangements commence in January 2025 when the new building is due for completion. Details will be included in the budget at the next Annual Meeting.

The rooftop tennis courts and the pavilion will be leased by the Parish to the St Andrew's Tennis Club.

Many thanks to the BGS School Council, chair Peter Ickeringill, and headmaster Ross Featherston for their support, and to our Churchwardens over the past 2.5 years of negotiations, especially parishioners who were most recently seconded for advice - Philippa McKenna, Michael Talbot and Peter Gray.


Village Green project

As an extension of the current building works, Brighton Grammar is supporting the upgrading of our drainage, water storage and irrigation to re-establish our lawns and gardens, and the installation of gates on our car park to regularise usage by church visitors only. Recent flooding in the café will mean re-grading of the forecourt driveway which currently has inadequate drainage. This results in the front lawn being washed away after heavy downfalls as there is no irrigation to keep the grass alive. The Churchwardens have embarked on consultations with drainage and irrigation engineers to establish the best remediation plan.





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