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Vicar's News - 22 October 2023

St James the Less, brother of our Lord

Not to be confused with St James the Great, son of Zebedee and brother to John, this James was the brother of Jesus but was not one of the Apostles. In the early Christian Church he was known as James Adelphotheos - James, brother of God and also James of Jerusalem.

According to a universal tradition the first bishop was the Apostle James the Less, the "brother of the Lord". His predominant place and residence in Jerusalem are implied by Galatians 1:19. Eusebius says he was appointed bishop by Peter, James the Greater, and John. It is believed that he was martyred by being stones to death in 62AD by the Pharisees on order of High Priest Ananus ben Ananus.

The Roman and Eastern churches hold that he was a cousin or step-brother of Jesus, because they consider Mary to have been ever-virgin. Scripture tells us that Jesus was her first-born, indicating that she had other subsequent children. "Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us?" (Matthew 13.55-56).


Music on Sunday



Prelude: Preludio al Vespro di Monteverdi – Sir Michael Tippett (1905-1998)

Hymns: Processional God of grace and God of glory

Gradual We have a gospel to proclaim

Thanksgiving Fill my whole life

Post Communion Through all the changing scenes of life

Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm: Song of Zechariah; Walmisley in G (RSCM)

Anthem: A prayer of St Richard of Chichester – L. J. White (b.1910)

Motet: Christ being raised from the dead – John Wallcott (1766-1821), arr. Timothy Mallis

Postlude: Prelude – William Byrd (1543-1622)



We record the death of our dear friend and parishioner, Gwen Russell. Our sincere condolences to Ian and their family. Gwen's funeral will heldat St Andrew's possibly on Tuesday 31 October. Further details to be announced.

May Gwen rest in peace and rise in glory.

Synod Evening Prayer

On Friday last, St Andrew's provided the Evening Prayer for the Synod members, and you can watch it here.


Farmer's Market

On Saturday we had both a Parish sausage sizzle stall but also a stall selling plants, kindly organised by Ken. nBoth did a good trade. There may be some plants available on Sunday too.


Schoolhouse Café

The Churchwardens has a guided tour of the renovation work being carried out in and around the schoolhouse building. It is going to be quite a different place when it open in 4 weeks time. The new café will be called 'Mazi' which is Greek for 'together', expressing the new owners' desire that people come together here for coffee, food and conversation.

Our electronic sign is dark at the moment whilst electrical work is carried out at the front of the café.



Saturday 4 November 6pm

On All Soul's Day we remember all those who we have loved and lost from this physical world. A list of those whom you may specially want remembered by name is available for completion at all services this weekend, or email the the Parish Office by Thursday 2 November.



Sunday 5 November 8am and 10am

On All Saints' Day we celebrate all those in the history of the church who, together with all departed souls, make up the communion of saints who sing with us: ‘Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the highest.’





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