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Vicar's News - 21 May 2023

John Singleton Copley, Ascension, 1775

Music on Sunday



Prelude: Praeambulum supra Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr

Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780)

Hymns: Processional Ye servants of God

Gradual The head that once was crowned with thorns

Thanksgiving O worship the King

Post Communion Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm: 47 NPCW

Anthem: The Lord ascendeth up on high– Wittenberg tune, arr. Alan Bullard

Motet: Break thou the bread of life – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)

Postlude: Heut triumphiret Gottes Sohn, BWV 630 –Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)


Save these dates

Sunday 18 June 2023 - Blessing of the new organ consoles

a short recital on our new consoles after the 10am service

Wednesday 21 June 2023 - Parish Dinner with the Choir Bookings open soon!


The next Weekend Services Roster period is from Saturday 1 July until Sunday 29 October 2023. As the rosters need to be compiled well in advance, please advise your roster coordinator as soon as possible unavailability and any other relevant information.We welcome new participants in any of the four roster categories: Welcomer/ Sides-person and Reader (all services); Server and Hospitality (10am Sunday). Please contact the Parish Office


Choral Evensong and confirmation

Congratulations to Helen Cong and Jack Stretch who were confirmed lat Sunday evening bye Bishop Paul Barker at our Choral Evensong. Thanks to Zac Hamilton Russell who stepped in to play and conduct for us that evening.




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