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Vicar's News - 2 October 2022

Van Gough, Mulberry Bush

Prior to his comment about the mustard seed uprooting the mulberry tree, Jesus had given warning to his disciples to not put a stumbling block in the way of “little” ones.He also gave instruction to continually forgive someone who repeatedly offends, yet who repeatedly asks for forgiveness. To this instruction, the disciples say, “Increase our faith!” That prayer request for increased faith is what prompted Jesus to declare mustard seed faith could uproot the entrenched roots of mulberry trees.

It is not the size of faith but the focus on simple obedience by faith?


Music at 10am Sunday

Prelude:           ‘Pastorale’ from 24 Pièces en style libre – Louis Vierne (1870-1937)

Hymns:        Processional         O Jesus, I have promised

Gradual             Safe in the shadow of the Lord

Thanksgiving         Bread of heaven

Post Communion Through all the changing scenes of life

Setting:            Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm:              137:1; By the waters of Babylon – Philip Hayes (1738-1797)

Anthem:           Behold, the tabernacle of God – William H Harris (1883-1973)

Motet:              O Lord, increase our faith – Henry Loosemore (d. 1670)

Postlude:     An Wasserflüssen Babylon, BWV 653 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)


Archive Photos

Keith Dight kindly provided the following photos of our old church pre-fire, for our archives (click to enlarge - this may take a moment as the photos are HD):

In addition, there is a copy of an article from The Age dated 27 May 1961 entitled: "A symbol of Permanence: The Reconstruction of St Andrew's", which can be viewed here.

We are grateful to Mr Dight for his generosity in providing these historical documents.


Pets to the ready

Next Sunday at 10am we will welcome pets from Brighton to a service of blessing. Please let your neighbours know.


How blessed are we in Brighton!

Sara Macliver sings among us

on Saturday 15 October at 7.30pm in the church


Wait ! There is more!

No, not steak knives, but a wonderful concert by Arcadia Winds

featuring works by Grainger, Barber, Mozart and Debussy


Holy Baptism

Congratulations to Helen Cong who was baptised last weekend at Sat@6.


Electricity is back on

We are switched again! Our electricity supply now arrives via a cable from inside Brighton Grammar. Please be careful as you walk around the Parish Office pathways. The overhead street cabling will be going underground as part of the construction of the new building.


Parish Electoral Roll

In preparation for our Parish Annual Meeting on Sunday 20 November, the Parish Electoral Roll will be updated on 20 October. A form of request for inclusion on that Roll can be downloaded here, along with other documents issued so far.





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