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Vicar's News - 19 March 2023

Laetare Sunday - Mothering Sunday

Feast of St Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

El Greco, Flight into Egypt (detail) 1567

Today is Laetare Sunday. Or Rejoice Sunday, because Laudate is a Latin word which means 'rejoice'. Rose vestments are worn to represent a joyful reward or reprieve from offering sacrifice with patience during this penitential season of Lent when people have traditionally fasted.

During the Middle Ages the custom developed of allowing those who had moved away to visit their home ('mother') parishes and their mothers on Laetare Sunday. So the fourth Sunday of Lent is also Mothering Sunday.

And to complete the trifecta, it is also the feast of St Joseph. St. Joseph was the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus. According to the earliest Christian traditions, he was a carpenter or woodworker. The Gospel of Matthew calls him a “righteous man,” meaning he was an observant Jew who obeyed God’s law.


Music on Sunday


Prelude: Preambule – Percy Whitlock (1903-1946)

Hymns: Processional Christ is our cornerstone

Gradual How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

Thanksgiving The Lord’s my shepherd

Post Communion Now let us from this table rise

Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm: 89: 19-29; NPCW

Anthem: God be in my head – Henry Walford Davies (1869-1941)

Motet: Bread of the world – Louis Bourgeois (c.1510-61)

Postlude: Toccata in E minor, P.462 – Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)


Synod representatives

Nominations have closed for the election of Synod representatives for the next 3 year session of Synod and our lay representatives will be:

Philippa McKenna

Simon Farrow

Susie Douglas


Tim Renouf

This is an important year for Synod elections.


Thank you

“Our heartfelt thanks to everyone in the St Andrew’s family for your love, support and prayers over the last couple of months. Miraculously, John has recently returned home from hospital and is well on his way to recovery". Philippa and John



Our friend and parishioner, Barbara Goodey has died. Her funeral will be in the

Pioneer Chapel on Wednesday 22 March at 1.30pm.

May Barbara rest in peace and rise in glory.


Farmers' Market

This Saturday from 8.30am - 1pm. Have a sausage at the the St Andrew's BBQ stall.


Concert at Hampton


Good Friday Pilgrims' Walk

This year the Pilgrims' Walk will start and finish at St Andrew's so that cars are more easily accessed after our refreshments in the Cloister courtyard or Pioneer Chapel, depending on the weather.





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