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Vicar's News - 18 April 2021

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

William Hatherall, Jesus appears to his disciples. 1925 (NGV)

This weekend's gospel reading is St Luke's version of the appearance of Jesus in the locked room following the return to Jerusalem of Cleopas and his companion from Emmaus. This modern painting shows the somewhat dumbfounded disciples somewhat over-awed by what they are experiencing. And this week's message is about the experience of the resurrection.


A Soirée - and you are invited

Please come to the launch of the Organ Restoration Appeal to be held in the church -

Friday 30 April 2021

6 - 8 pm

There will be food by Pantry, drinks, music by Calvin Bowman and voices from our

St Andrew's Choir.

Register to attend here.


Vale Fr Philip Newman


The Venerable Philip Newman OAM, sometime parishioner and locum at St Andrew's, has died and his funeral will be held tomorrow (Monday) at St Paul's Cathedral commencing at 11am. The funeral will be lived streamed can can be seen by clicking here. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


Vale Dorothy Stenniken

Long-standing parishioner Dorothy Stenniken has died. A memorial service and interment of her ashes will take place in the church on Friday at 10.30am, followed by refreshments in the Pioneer Chapel.


Church heating

Like many of us, the under-seat heating in the nave of the church has grown old and is now unserviceable - meaning we can't risk turning it on. Unlike some cathedrals and old churches where the heating is provided by hot water, our are individual electric units. The cost of remedying the current set-up is considered prohibitive because of all the necessary new electrical work was carried out, there is no guarantee the existing units would work. The Churchwardens are enquiring about substitute heating but the design of the building does not allow for underfloor ducting and heritage considerations would likely prevent the installation of sufficient air conditioning equipment. So please rug up on cold days and evenings. For smaller congregations the Lady Chapel has efficient heating and cooling, whilst the heating in the Pioneer Chapel makes a valiant attempt to keep the temperature bearable.


Garden visit in the Dandenongs

Members of our Chinese community went on a road trip to the Dandenongs. predictably it rained, but that didn't dampen their spirits nor the beauty.


English Conversation Classes

Volunteers are needed for the English Conversation Group. The conversations will be held in the large hall on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:30 am. We start on Tuesday 20 April - this week.

We welcome those participants to come early at 8:30 to have a line dancing lesson and a causal conversation after dropping off your school kids, No program on school holidays.


Youth Group

As advised last week, our Youth Group is joining with other nearby churches. At the moment, it will accommodate the 13+ for the older age group (reasonably mature at 13.) The younger group (year 5-7) has not started yet - delayed due to COVID. We start this coming Friday, so contact Michelle for details .


Events in Chinese

  • Friday Morning 9-1:30, Chinese Fellowship

  • Thursday - morning prayer 9-9:30 Lady Chapel, followed by 10-1 pm Bible study and fellowship at 230 A


QR code on entry

The State Government are encouraging us to use the QYU codes when checking in to services and functions. Of course registration is on-going for our usual services but registration does assist in knowing how many are attending for other services. However, you do not need to have your name ticked off if you are on the list and would;d prefer to use the QR code ti expedite entry. Make sure you still grab a pewsheet.


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