Francesco Hayez. Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem 1869
Pentecost 26
The siege of Jerusalem of 70 CE was the decisive event of the First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE), in which the Roman army led by future emperor Titus besieged Jerusalem, the centre of Jewish rebel resistance in the Roman province of Judaea. Following a five-month siege, the Romans destroyed the city, including the Second Jewish Temple.
The loss of the mother-city and Second Temple necessitated a reshaping of Jewish culture to ensure its survival. With sacrificial worship no longer possible, Jewish practices shifted to prayer, Torah study, and synagogue gatherings.
Music on Sunday
Prelude: Suite from Dioclesian – Henry Purcell (1659-1695) (arr. Eric Thiman)
Hymns: Processional All my hope on God is founded
Gradual Come, my way, my truth, my life
Thanksgiving Great is your faithfulness
Post Communion Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)
Psalm: 16 NPCW
Anthem: Spirit of God, unseen as the wind – Scottish Traditional, arr. A.D. Miller
Motet: A Gaelic Blessing – John Rutter (*1945)
Postlude: Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565 – attributed to J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Parish Annual Meeting
Our Annual Meeting will be held next Sunday after the 10am service (about 11.30am) in the church. The Annual report will be distributed to those on our Electoral Roll under separate email later today and will be posted to those without internet.

Landscaping of eastern side of the church
Next week the landscaping of the eastern cloister and associated areas will commence. The hoarding between the church and the Parish Centre will be moved forward to accomodate this and entry to the Parish Hall and Kitchen will only be available through the Choir Room and the doors adjacent to the ladies toilets.

Baptism on Thursday
At the Chinese Morning Prayer service on Thursday, Lisa Liu was baptised into the church of God. Congratulations.

