Pentecost 4
In St Mark's gospel, following on from the parable of the sower, is the parable of the growing seed. Once the seed of the word of God is sown, only time will show how a person’s faith will grow and develop. This parable shows that the Kingdom of God will continue to grow and spread until the end of time. This story would have offered encouragement to Christians facing persecution from the Romans. It would have reassured them that God’s reign was coming to Earth, even though it appeared to be small and sometimes invisible. It would have given them hope and encouragement that they were doing the right thing. The same reassurance may be needed today.
Music on Sunday
Prelude Piping from Etudes Espace – Andrew Schultz (*1960)
Hymns: Processional Be thou my vision
Gradual Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
Thanksgiving The king of love my Shepherd is
Post Communion The strife is o’er, the battle done
Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)
Psalm: 20 Wesley in D (RSCM)
Anthem: Jesu, grant me this I pray – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
Motet: Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle – NEH 78 v 1,4,5
Postlude: Grand March from Aida – Giuseppi Verdi (1813-1901)
(arr. Harry Rowe Shelley)
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Dragon Boat festival

If you missed the event or want a short reminder of the glamour, this short video has been prepared by Xev - click here.
Next Saturday afternoon concert

For your diaries

