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Vicar's News - 15 October 2023

Luke, the writer of the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, has been identified with St. Paul's "Luke, the beloved physician" (Colossians 4:14). We know few other facts about Luke's life from Scripture and from early Church historians.



Prelude: II. Adagio e mesto from Sonata in D major, Wq 70/5 – C. P. E. Bach (1714-1788)

Hymns: Processional When morning gilds the skies

Gradual Spread, O spread, almighty word

Thanksgiving Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Post Communion Rejoice, the Lord is King

Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm: 145; TiS 89

Anthem: Vox ultima crucis – William H. Harris (1883-1973)

Motet: Bread of the world – Timothy Mallis (b.1996)

Postlude: I. Allegro di molto from Sonata in D major, Wq 70/5 – C. P. E. Bach (1714-1788)



The annual meeting of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne ('Synod') has been held this week over Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings and on Saturday. It has been a busy time for our Synod representatives - Susie Douglas, Philippa McKenna, Simon farrow as well as Xev and I. Thursday and Friday evenings were on-line and I prepared a video worship service for the Friday sessions and thank Philippa, Xev and Tim Renouf for their participation.

Lots of Diocesan legislation being considered, and sorrow as Hospital Chaplaincy has been abolished as a cost cutting move - very unbiblical.



Angela is away this week so please contact me by sms to 0421321321 or email to





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