Benjamin West, Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant, 1800
The Ark of the Covenant, was the most sacred religious relic of the Israelites. It is described as a wooden chest coated in pure gold and topped off by an elaborate golden lid known as the mercy seat. According to the Book of Exodus and First Book of Kings in the Old Testament, the Ark contained the Tablets of the Law, by which God delivered the Ten Commandments to Moses at Mount Sinai. The biblical account relates that approximately one year after the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, the Ark was created according to the pattern that God gave to Moses when the Israelites were encamped at the foot of Mount Sinai.
While contemporary archeologists disagree about the history of the Ark's movements around the Ancient Near East and the history and dating of the Ark narratives in the Bible, the Ark was eventually placed in the Holiest of Holies in King Solomons's temple. When the priests emerged from that holy place, the Temple was filled with a cloud, "for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord"
Following the temples destruction, the location of the Ark has caused much speculation. if it was hidden or taken for safe keeping, but it has not been found.
Music on Sunday
Prelude:          Adagio e staccato from Sonata in D major – Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785)
Hymns:            Processional   The Lord will come and not be slow
Gradual Alleluya! Alleluya! Hearts to heaven
Thanksgiving For the fruits of all creation
Post Communion Love divine, all loves excelling
Setting:          Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)
Psalm:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 24 TiS 13 (Response 1)
Anthem:          Alleluia from Exsultate, jubilate K 165 – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Motet:            Panis angelicus – César Franck (1822-1890)
Postlude:        Giga from Sonata in D major – Baldassare Galuppi (1706-1785)
CANTOR EVENSONG @ 6.00 PM - Lady Chapel
Prelude:          A Closed World of Fine Feelings and Grand Design – Graeme Koehne (*1956)
Hymns:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Processional I heard the voice of Jesus say
Dismissal How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Responses: Â Â Â Â Â Ferial
Psalm:            85 – Rawsthorne in C (RSCM)
Canticles:Â Â Â Â Â Â Plainchant
Anthem:          Hear my prayer – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
Postlude:        Little Prelude after the Master – Calvin Bowman (*1972)
With much sadness we acknowledge the death of our dear wheelchair-bound friend,
Colin McGill
who died this week and whose funeral will be held in the church on
Thursday 18 June at 11am.
'May Colin rest in peace and rise in glory'.
Choral Evensong this evening in the Lady Chapel

New chapel lectern

A new lectern was dedicated to the late Fr Barry Martin AM in the Lady Chapel where he often took services during his time at St Andrew's. It is a gift of his family who were present at Sat@6 for the dedication.

Coffee + Chat
Our monthly Coffee + Chat was an enjoyable event on Wednesday when Ken Whelan gave a short talk on the floral industry in Melbourne.

We welcomedHudson Blackbeard into the church of God through the sacrament of Holy Baptism following the 10am service last Sunday.

