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Vicar's News - 12 February 2023

Last Sunday 'the light of the world[ shone in on our 10am service while the new members of our choir were being commissioned. It was a great service and thank you to all who came to welcome our choir back from holidays.

Following the service, the St Andrew's Choir Parents Association (SACPA) provided us with a sausage sizzle, which was well received.

At the same time, our KC team were engaged with our first Kids' Church service for the year. The topic was 'Fishing with Jesus' and the craft component featured decorating a fish - this one has several eyes that follow you around the room!

All children are welcome. Our Kids' Church is on Sunday 5 March at 11.30am.


Music this Sunday



Prelude: Improvisation on ‘St Denio’

Hymns: Processional Immortal, invisible, God only wise Gradual Praise to the holiest in the height

Thanksgiving O thou, who at thy eucharist didst pray

Post Communion Let us, with a gladsome mind

Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Psalm: 119:1-8; Noel Rawsthorne in Eb (RSCM)

Anthem: Above the moon earth rises – Trad. Irish melody, arr. David Iliff

Motet: A Prayer of St Richard of Chichester – L. J. White (1910-1970)

Postlude: Praeludium in G minor, BuxWV 149 – Dieterich Buxtehude (c.1637-1707)


Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong Sunday 12 February– 6pm

Relax with beautiful choral music by Thomas Attwood, Vaughan Williams;

join in singing 'All my hope on God is founded' and 'Take up thy cross';

and hear beautiful organ music by Nicholas Bruhns.


Name badges

As we have new parishioners joining us each week, and for for those who attend different services, it would be great off everyone wore their name badges. If you don't have one, please use the sign up sheet on the bench in the Narthex (entry) and on the table in the Pioneer Chapel as add your name.






The next Weekend Services Roster period is from Saturday 11 March until Sunday 25 June 2023. As this includes Easter, it would be most helpful if preference could be indicated for these services by Monday 13 February, especially the Maundy Thursday (7pm) and Good Friday Services - Veneration of the Cross (2pm) and Tenebrae (7pm). We welcome new participants in any of the four roster categories: Welcomer/ Sides-person and Reader (all services); Server and Hospitality (10am Sunday). Please contact the Parish Office




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