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Vicar's News - 10 May 2020

Updated: May 10, 2020

There may be light at the end of the tunnel - the possibility that we will be out of isolation in July. The limitations on the size of funeral and wedding parties looks set to be slightly relaxed soon, as are the number of people who can gather together. Let us see how well people adhere to the slow release of restrictions so that all may benefit, rather than the selfish ones spoiling it for everyone else.

We have had some mulch delivered under the trees fronting Church Street. If anyone fancies an hours spreading it around under the tree canopies, feel free to do so – bring your own shovel though.

The parish’s financial resources has taken a beating and so a significant loss is expected at the end of the financial year. Our reserves are being rapidly depleted due to the lack of income. An appeal will be launched this week to arrest this decline and, hopefully, to provide for a reversal of fortune and funds to enable essential work to be carried out. Please respond generously.

Can't get out to deliver your envelope giving - no worries. You can use a credit card below.

A reflection on the Gospel reading for today

In this morning’s gospel, Thomas asked Jesus, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus replied “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

In some churches that last sentence which reads, “no one comes to the Father except through me”, is omitted because for centuries this sentence has been used to literally attack other religions.

Puritans and now conservatives have taken Jesus, who in his human life is so consistently inclusive, and then created a religion in his name that was exclusive, and exclusionary. That was never his way.

In talking about God no metaphor is perfect, and some can be misleading. We know that all roads do not lead to the same place. One road might lead to the mountain while others lead to the desert.

All the great religions warn against the superficiality of a tuck-shop or cafeteria approach in which we take a little of this religion and a little of that religion, because it can never go deep enough to quench our thirst for God and we don’t like any of the ‘hard’ religious bits. But cafeteria religion is part of the post-modern zeitgeist, the spirit of the age. It sounds so accepting and tolerant, but in fact it is disrespectful of all the religions to think they are so simplistic and easy that all you have to do is take a little of each.

But if all you get is a little of this and a little of that it means you’re left with a lot of ego—which is the one thing we need to be freed from if we are to find peace in this life.

All the major religions teach the total surrender of the self to God.

Today’s gospel is a call to faith. Not a pick-and-choose faith in which we move from one road to another without getting anywhere on any of them, but a faith of whole-hearted commitment to the way of Christ through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father”. This is the heart of our faith to which we are called to give our hearts. I believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, the only way for those baptized into his death and resurrection.


Join us tomorrow for an on-line Zoom bi-lingual service

of which Michelle writes:

Dear brothers and sisters,  Peace be with you! 

Zoom bilingual service @ Sunday 10am (weekly)

We have Fr Ian preaching and the Hardy family playing music for our tomorrow's  Zoom service. I sincerely invite you to join us to worship God "together". 

The hymns are: 

1. How great thou art 

2. What a friend we have in Jesus 

3. Because He lives 

4. Amazing Grace 


Meeting ID: 6980736508


In Him,



Join me for a chat on Wednesday mornings using Zoom.

Go the our website and click on the link on the front page.


For yummy dumplings, phone our parishioner, Wilson, at Tang's dumplings for home delivery and special prices for St Andrew's parishioners.


For sale 6 white interlocking wire storage baskets Dimensions: L 43cm (18.5 in) W 40cm (15.5in) Ideal for storage In very good condition $20 Contact: Barry Martin 9599 2946 0410 343 665


Vicar's News - 10 May 2020


我们已经Church St前的树下堆了一些木屑。欢迎大家志愿花上一个小时在树冠下把木屑撒上——不过要带上你自己的铲子。















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