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Vicar's News - 10 December 2022

No live stream at 10am due to little children participating in the service.

This weekend we celebrate the Nativity story with the children of St Mary's Pre-School. They children will be preform a Nativity Play and we will follow the service with barbecued sausages. There will be no Eucharist at 10am.



Prelude: Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 604 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Hymns: Processional God, that madest earth and heaven

Dismissal Silent night

Introit: Ding dong! merrily on high

Responses: Ferial

Psalm: 79:1-9; Stonex in E minor (RSCM)

Canticles: Magnificat: TiS 173, Nunc dimittis: TiS 733

Anthem: The Little Road to Bethlehem – Michael Head (1900-1976)

Postlude: Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 611 – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)


You can find the December edition of The Melbourne Anglican on-line here. Unfortunately hard copies have failed to arrive again this month.


Dixon House Christmas Appeal 2022

In past years St Andrew’s has been a collection point for food, toys and gifts for Anglicare-Dixon House to give to Emergency Relief clients. This year we are not a collection point, but individuals are welcome to take donations directly to Dixon House on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 December ONLY.

Dixon House has requested for the 2022 Christmas Distribution Appeal, please consider prioritising your donation to as much FOOD as possible, and then toys. (Toys should not be wrapped with wrapping paper.) Teenagers with limited IT resources would welcome gift vouchers that are redeemable at a variety of stores. See flyer attached for donation ideas.


Christmas services




Thank you

Many thanks to those who assisted in rejecting the Christmas trees, installing the 'manger' in the church for the Nativity Play, and clearing out the Counting Room. In anticipation, thanks to all those who are assisting with refreshments and the barbecue on Sunday.



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