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Vicar's News - 10 April 2022

Palm Sunday

This weekend we celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. On Sunday at 10am we will begin our service at the memorial cross near 230A & 230B (behind the church). Following the Liturgy of the Palms, we will process into the church along the cloister. Thus begins the busiest week in our church year, and the most important week in our salvation history. Without the death and resurrection of Christ, we would have no narrative about God's saving work in the world. Thank you to Omar, our tree surgeon, for the palms.


Funeral for Jolson Raynmore

The funeral for Jolson will be held in the church on Wednesday at 10.30am.


'And down it came'

The ceiling in the sanctuary of the Lady Chapel collapses on Tuesday evening. Fortunately no one was there at the time. If it had happened hours later, during the mid-week service, in the chapel, people could have been killed. All the heavy false ceiling panels fell down bringing down the tapestry of Our Lady which is on a heavy metal beam. Damage was sustained to the altar and a prayer desk. Fortunately the impact of the heavy materials is imprinted on the altar rather than on the heads of anyone behind it. Repairs are being assessed. At present the Lady Chapel is closed until we can have the remaining ceiling panels checked. Thank you to Philippa and John who cleaned up the mess.



There will be four baptisms on Saturday. Please pray for:





as they are welcomed into God's church.


Stations of the Cross

On Tuesday evening at 7pm we will be having short meditations on some of the Stations of the Cross, followed by a fish and chips meal in the Pioneer Chapel. You can order and pay at the door, and we will arrange for the food from The Fish Tank. There will be mineral water as well.


Farmer's Market on Holy Saturday

There will be a barbecue at the Farmer's Market next Saturday (16 April). I trust our volunteers will be available.


Walk of Witness

The Walk of Witness, organised by the Brighton Covenant Churches, will begin at Majellan House (next to the Brighton Yacht Club) at 10.30am and conclude at St Andrew's, in the Cloister, with tea, coffee and hot cross buns.


Xeverie and I wish you a very holy and safe Holy Week and Easter.



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