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Vicar's News - 9 April 2023

He is risen!

Resurrection of Christ, 1531, tapestry in Vatican Museum

Easter services

Holy Saturday 7pm New Fire of Easter, Vigil and first Eucharist of Easter
Easter Day 8am Choral Eucharist
10am Choral Eucharist

Easter Eve - Holy Saturday

Exsultet: Plainsong

Psalm: 98 Chant – Elvey in D

Setting: Parish Eucharist – Michael Dudman (1938-1994)

Gradual Hymn: Jesus, my Redeemer, lives

Anthem: Most glorious Lord of life– Sir William Harris (1883-1973)

Offertory Hymn: Christ, whose glory fills the skies

Motet: These are they which follow the lamb – John Goss (1800-1880)

Post Communion Hymn: By your kingly power

Postlude: Toccata on ‘Pange Lingua’ – Edward C. Bairstow (1874-1946)

Easter Day

Prelude: Improvisation on ‘Jesus Christ is risen today’

Hymns: Processional Jesus Christ is risen today

Gradual Love’s redeeming work is done

Thanksgiving For the fruits of all creation

Post Communion Thine be the glory

Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm: 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-24

Anthem: With a voice of singing – Martin Shaw (1875-1958)

Communion: Improvisation on ‘Maccabaeus’

Postlude: ‘The Great Gate of Kyiv’ from Pictures at an Exhibition

– Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881), arr. A. Eaglefield Hull


Holy Week

We have had fantastic celebrations so fay in this Holy Week. We began Palm Sunday with a procession from the wayside cross at the rear of the church and completed it with Kids' Church where our number of attendees continues to grow.

On Holy Tuesday we had a mediative service of the Stations of the Cross in Art, in the Lady Chapel followed by fish and chips in the Pioneer Chapel. Special thank you to Connor, one of our choristers, who assisted with the audio-visuals during the service and joined us for dinner.

On Maundy Thursday we had our remembrance of the last supper's footwashing - though we chose hands - and institution of Holy Eucharist. Another special treat from our choir.

On Good Friday we welcomed fellow members of the Brighton Covenant Churches for the commencement of the Pilgrims' Walk and the post-walk refreshments in the Pioneer Chapel. The final station was at our wayside cross.

Thank you to all who took part and those who prepared the hot cross buns, including four of our choristers. And thank you too to those who assisted in erecting the cross in the church for its veneration on Good Friday afternoon, including Andrew Bottomley and all the McKenna family who saved the day with a spanner, and for Johnson Xu and his team who assisted in its taking the cross down and re-establishing the sanctuary on Holy Saturday.

'The Rapproaches', sung by the choir in our service of the Veneration of the Cross was a world-class performance and our music team -choir, Lay Clerks, alumni members with Tim and Calvin are to be congratulated.

On Good Friday evening we were treated to a darkened church and the service of Tenebrae, a triumph of chants and readings.

Xeverie and I wish you a very holy and happy Easter.






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