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Curate's News - 20 August 2023

Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind 1568, Pieter Bruegel, approx. 1525-1569

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

(No live-stream this week)

This weekend we delve into a passage that holds profound wisdom for the state of our hearts. In Matthew 15:10-11 "Jesus called the crowd to him and said, 'Listen and understand. What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.'” In this verse, Jesus emphasises that external actions are not the sole indicators of our spiritual state. Rather, it's the words and attitudes that flow from our hearts that truly matter.

Our processional hymn this week is an all-time church favourite 'Praise to the Holiest' which comes from John Henry Newman's dramatic poem 'The Dream of Gerontius (1865)'. This poem consists of the prayer of a dying man and the condition of the heart. In this poem Newman poetically describes the moment of judgment when Gerontius is stripped bare before God, with his soul's true condition laid bare. Just as Gerontius's heart's disposition was the key, Jesus reminds us that our words and actions reflect what lies within.

As we reflect on the Gospel reading this weekend, let us remember that our hearts are mirrors reflecting our souls. Just as Gerontius's dream journey reveals the truth within, Jesus's words remind us to cultivate hearts filled with love, kindness, and purity. Let us strive for an inner disposition that aligns with the teachings of Christ, so that our words and actions may be a reflection of our deep connection to God.



Sunday 20 August 10am


Prelude: Improvisation on ‘Gerontius’

Hymns: Processional Praise to the Holiest in the height NEH 439(i) v1,2,5,7

Gradual Jesus Christ is waiting TiS 665 v1,3,5

Thanksgiving For the fruits of all creation TiS 168

Post Communion Dear Lord and Father of mankind NEH 353 v1,2,5

Setting: Christ Church Mass – Philip Matthias (b. 1954)

Psalm: 133; Croft in A minor (RSCM)

Anthem: Loving God – Peter Aston (1938-2013)

Motet: O Lord, increase our faith – Henry Loosemore (d. 1670)

Postlude: Prelude in C major, KrebsWV 400 – Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780)


Tree Works

In June a large branch fell from a tree along the Church St frontage, narrowly missing pedestrians, but not a parked car. After assessment by arborists and Bayside Council, the tree was removed this week, along with another near the cafe that had some fungal damage. The arborists will return over the coming weeks to remove stumps and complete the pruning of a couple of other trees. Thank you to Philippa McKenna, Johnson Xu and Ken Whelan, who at short notice spread mulch from the trees on the circular bed at the front of the church and the beds outside the Pioneer Chapel. The remaining mulch was deposited under the Moreton Bay Fig on the corner of New and Church Streets, and the oak near the car park.


Vale Peter Fleming

7 October 1937 – 3 August 2023

Peter was a very long-standing member of St Andrew’s congregation, in the latter part of his life attending Sat@6 services. Peter lived in Brighton for the whole of his life. He attended Brighton Grammar, and was very active in the St Andrew's Church Tennis Club, participating in competitions and tournaments, including those in country towns. Peter participated in the activities of the Young Peoples Fellowship, which had a large and active membership in the 1950’s and 1960’s. He was a great attendee at Balls and Dinner Dances for many years. His bubbly personality made him great company. Peter's career in business ended up with him being secretary to the board of the now-defunct Ball & Welch department store.

A memorial service celebrating the life of Peter Fleming will be held at St Andrew's on Friday 25 August at 10.30 am in the Lady Chapel. RIP Peter.


Choral Concert

What a joy to see so many Firbank and their parents in the church on Thursday evening for their annual Choral Concert. The girls put on a wonderful performance.





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